Robert Jennings
2003-08-04 19:57:43 UTC
On 8/4/03 1:35 PM, in article
device need termination. The first device is usually the internal HD and it
is already terminated in the controller card, so just make sure the last
device on the SCSI chain is terminated.
I am having major problems with our G3 server. I was having problems with
our CDR drive and wanted to check it on another machine - anyway put it back
and now can't mount any SCSI external disk!?!?! All ID's were checked & all
You don't want all of your SCSI devices terminated. Only the 1st and lastour CDR drive and wanted to check it on another machine - anyway put it back
and now can't mount any SCSI external disk!?!?! All ID's were checked & all
device need termination. The first device is usually the internal HD and it
is already terminated in the controller card, so just make sure the last
device on the SCSI chain is terminated.